4 Days Mount Elgon Trekking Sasa Trail

The popular exploration center trail loop site will make you enjoy the cool mist at Chebonet falls, Kapkwai cave, the talking tree and a spectacular view point which lies just beyond.

DAY 1: Mt. Elgon Natonal Park

An early start (7.00am) will allow adequate time for game drives within Mt. Elgon Natonal Park in a 4X4 vehicle. Here there is the possibility to see elephants, buffalos, and antelopes among other types of game. Lunch will be at Kitum, one of the famous caves where elephants and buffalos pay visits for a mineral lick. The afternoons game drives will continue to higher altitudes till 3000m where you will rest for the evening in a fly camp at the road head.

DAY 2: Koitoboss, Kenya

Today your hike starts with a 4 hours walk, accompanied by Kenya Wildlife Service escorts, leading to the Koitoboss, the highest peak on the Kenyan side before crossing the caldera over to Uganda. At the border you will be received by armed Ugandan Wildlife Authority rangers who will accompany you down the Ugandan trail. Diner and overnight will be in a fly camp at the Mude caves (3500m).

DAY 3: Wagagai ,Uganda

This is the day of Summit challenge with the day's trek to Wagagai (4321m), the peak of Mt. Elgon. You will walk along the rim of one of the world's largest calderas as you approach the summit. Here are several of small lakes left behind by glaciers of the last ice age. You will return to your Mude caves camp for dinner and a well deserved overnight.

DAY 4: Mackinders Camp-Point Lenana-Nanyuki

Your descend will take you through the scenic montane forest and mixed bamboo with a lunch on the way. The heath and moorland gives way to forest at 3000m followed by small scale farmlands. On your way you will meet troops of black and white colobus as well as the blue monkeys and many varied bird species. At Bumasola (1770m) at about 2.00 pm you will bid the crew goodbye. Your driver will be waiting and transfer you to Mbale. Dinner and overnight will be at the Sun rise Inn.